Monday, September 1, 2008

Oops! and Huzzah!

Okay, I just realized that I didn't post anything yesterday. Oops. So, since I haven't written anything worth sharing this week ( was the first week of classes, and I was experiencing difficulties you really want me to post my rant about Vygotsky? I think not), I'm just going to tell about a neat moment of fate intervening. :)

In October, I'm supposed to go to Atlanta (yes, the scene of my horrid trip full of melt-downs, see this post), and for the past three weeks I've been trying to find out if the national office or my university is supposed to pay the air travel expenses since it's a training session for the research I'm working on. Well, I found out Wednesday that MU pays the airfare (hooray! and since the conference is in just over a month, can we also yell out, expensive!). Needless to say, I'm frantically trying to get approval and all that stuff, when the divine Debbie (you rock!) sends me an email about a Mindful Writing conference in Atlanta that starts the day I was supposed to leave. Yes!

So, I'm ever so thankful that the people at national weren't on the ball (which is unusual for them) because fate, it seems, wanted me to go to this Mindfulness conference. Huzzah!

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