I just returned from my spring break trip to Northwest Missouri. While others I know may have spent their week in Spain, New York City, Las Vegas, or other exotic locales, I am so glad I roadtripped "back home." While I don't relish a 3 1/2 hour drive anymore, the effort was worth it! In spades!
First of all, my nephew performed in his school's production of
The Wizard of Oz. He played several of the characters: Uncle Henry, the guard at the Wizard's door, and one of the "O-E-O" guys at the witch's castle. However, his best role was as the basket of the Wizard's hot air balloon. Inspired! It makes me sad to think he's all grown up and almost graduated.
Second, of course, I was able to spend time with my family--even though they were sick for most of my visit. Poor Mom slept and coughed almost the entire time I was there.
However, by far the best part about my spring break trip was meeting with my writing group. Being away from them is probably the biggest negative to my doctoral studies. Sitting with Tina, Dawn, Vicky, and Vickey, I finally felt at home. Among them I'm at my best because they deserve my best and and give me the security to be myself. They're insightful, inquisitive, witty, and just plain fun. Plus, they overlook my stupidity--those moments when I utter something utterly dumb. For that, I am always thankful. As if all those characteristics weren't enough, they are also the coolest cats around.
Well, that's all for this week. I planned to post a poem I've been working on, but I flat out don't have time to finish it tonight. Bummer. So, look for it in coming weeks...or maybe after this semester is over.